It's not fucking carbon!

It's carbon di-fucking-oxide.

So why do they call it a fucking carbon tax?

Why should we care what the fuck they call it?

Because now everyone thinks that carbon is evil

The evil shit is the carbon di-fucking-oxide

It's not the fucking carbon! It's the carbon di-fucking-oxide that's fucking up the atmosphere. Not fucking carbon. The two aren't even remotely fucking similar. And carbon is not evil, it's fucking magic! It's the second largest thing that you're made of, for fuck's sake!

Think it doesn't matter? Ask anyone you know, "What's the shit that the carbon tax taxes?" They'll tell you fucking carbon. Well, they'll probably spout some wishy-washy crap first, because they won't understand the question, but eventually they'll say "fucking carbon".

Ask them "What the fuck is carbon?", and they'll tell you it's burnt fucking toast or some shit.

But that's not the stuff that's causing the problems, and it's not what's being fucking taxed.

Now everyone thinks that carbon is the fucking culprit, when it's the carbon di-fucking-oxide.